R&Y Logistics is a leading Logistics Company with presence at major ports and ICD’s in the hinterland of Central India since the year of 2000. It is the top Freight Forwarder at all ICD’s in Central India, in terms of Containers handled consistently for last two decades. R&Y Logistics is certified by Ministry of Finance as the Authorised Economic Operator. It has been awarded by CONCOR for the highest volumes at Nagpur, Raipur and Aurangabad every year since 2000. R&Y Logistics has been a proud recipient of the prestigious Solar Udyog Gaurav Award by Vidarbha Industries Association for its stellar services in 2018.

Shivkumar Rao
Chartered Accountant
Mr. Shivkumar Rao is the Director of R&Y Logistics Pvt. Ltd. He has been associated with Logistics Industry for more than two decades. He is a master of strategising, marketing and finance. Mr. Rao is currently President of Vidarbha Economic Development (VED) Council, Vidarbha region’s premier think tank working for region’s economic development. He was also Chairman of the CII’s Vidarbha Zonal Council.

Rajesh Yadav
Chartered Accountant
Mr. Rajesh Yadav is the Director of R&Y Logistics Pvt. Ltd. He has been associated with Logistics Industry for more than two decades. He brings along with him a rich experience and expertise of operations, execution and enterprise building. Mr. Yadav has been instrumental in transforming R&Y Logistics into Central India’s leading Logistics Company, in terms of volumes, clientele and global network.
An Undisputed Leader!